.maxsnap plugin
.maxsnap plugin

.maxsnap plugin

auinfo files for Apple built-in and user-installed plug-ins will be added to the search path. MaxSnap is a powerful window manager which lets you: - Move, arrange, and resize windows with menu-bar icon or keyboard shortcuts - Option/Alt-Drag - move and resize windows without using the windows' title bar - Quickly move windows using multi-touch gestures.


On Mac OS, Audio Unit plug-ins will be scanned and. On the Macintosh this is generally /Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST/ and on windows this is the folder specified in the VSTPluginsPath string value under the registry key HKLM\Software\VST. When the Max application starts up, the system VST folder will be added to the max search path. When is set to 0, any plug message received loads that plug-in to all instances. This can either be a symbolic plug-in name or an associated ID value as displayed by the printids message).įor mc.vst~, if the attribute is set to 1, sending a plug message will allow the user to load a VST for each instance individually. An optional second argument to the plug message can be used to specify a plug-in name within a shell plug-in (e.g., WaveShell). If a new plug-in is opened and found, the old plug-in (if any) is discarded and the new one loaded. The word plug followed by a symbol argument searches for plug-in with the specified name in the Max search path. In left inlet: The word plug with no arguments opens a standard open file dialog allowing you to choose a new VST or Audio Unit plug-in to host. Get -11 the plug-in's number of user preset files (Audio Unit only)


Get -10 an integer value representing the initial delay of the plug-in in samples to allow you to automatically compensate for the plugin's latency in your patch Get -9 four integer values representing the left, top, right, and bottom coordinates of the desired rectangle of the plug-in UI edit window Get -8 the unique ID of the plug-in as an integer value Get -7 1 if the plug-in is a synth plug-in, 0 if it isn't Get -6 1 if the plug-in has its own edit window, 0 if it doesn't This indicates that the plug-in can be used in either a stereo or mono context Get -5 whether the plug-in's canMono flag is set. Get -4 the plug-in's number of parameters Get -3 the plug-in's number of programs (VST) or factory presets (Audio Unit)

.maxsnap plugin

If a negative number argument is provided, the get message outputs a list with the first element specifying the number argument and the remaining elements specifying the following information: If a number argument is provided, and the number argument is between 1 and the number of parameters of the currently loaded plug-in (inclusive), the get message outputs the current parameter value (a float between 0 and 1) of the numbered parameter. If a symbol argument is provided, and the symbol corresponds to the name of a parameter, the get message outputs the current parameter value (a float between 0 and 1) of the named parameter. This is output from the fifth-from-right outlet of vst~ as a list with the query index (or plug-in info index) as the first element and the desired information as the second element. The word get, followed by a number or symbol argument, reports parameter values and plug-in information.

.maxsnap plugin